INS Snap : 韓國女神 Lina Moon 示範《韓系春夏穿搭》

INS Snap 今天為大家帶來 Lina Moon ,Lina 是一位在 Ryerson University 就讀 Hospitality & Tourism 的學生,她來自韓國,平日穿搭韓風十足,少女味十足又帶健康性感。
在今次INS Snap 內,Lina 為讀者示範了一套韓系春夏穿搭,優雅得體又帶健康性感,配上牛仔短裙和 Converse 帆布鞋,令原本個子不算特別高的她,在整個配搭中展出了很好的身型比例。大家想走韓風的話,不妨借鑑一下 Lina 的搭配。
In today’s INS SNAP , we are here to introduce you,Lina Moon. Lina is a Ryerson student who studies Hospitality & Tourism. She comes from Korea. In today’s Snap, Lina shows her unique elegant and sexy dressing style inspired from Korea. Accompanied with the cowboy skirt and Converse canvas shoes, so that the original is not particularly tall, she exhibited in the whole match a very good body type ratio. We want to take the wind, then, may wish to learn about Lina with.
Lina’s outfit
Top: Zara
Skirt: Forever21
Clutch: YSL
Jacket: from Korea online shop

Lina 的白色蕾絲鉤花衣服,可謂春夏的必備品,配搭得宜的話,可以令造型性感和氣質兼備。一起來看看其他例子吧!


Model: Lina Moon
Text & photo : Lambert Lam