好禮送讀者 – Benefit大放睛彩眼線筆

此次,INSERT 為大家帶來的是深受眾多女生喜愛的 BENEFIT 大放睛採眼線筆。無論什麼眼型,相信都能在眼線筆的美化下顯得更加迷人……

Benefit Majorette

Benefit 推出Majorette 胭脂膏打造天使紅潤臉龐

天氣過於乾燥,昨晚沒有睡好,今天心情不好,眾多的因素都能讓原本光澤的臉龐變得失去色彩,看上去毫無生氣!日前,著名美妝品牌 Benefit 推出Majorette 胭脂膏,對於眾多女生來說無疑算是一季良藥。尤其是在這個冷暖交際的季節裡,簡直堪稱出門必備的美妝聖品……

A/F Trendy Makeup Elements 最IN元素打造秋冬最IN日常彩妝


挑戰持久魅力 INS眼線大比拼!


Benefit’s Don Jail Party

Last Thursday, Benefit held its preview event at Don Jail which located in downtown Toronto, which has been rebuilt as a hospital but still preserve part of its appearance as prison. The creative Benefit then, invited Medias from Toronto to be their convicts, had a Jail Party there an INSERT was very proud to be one of them. Staffs were all wearing apparels as guards, handcuffs were placed on the well-decorated pink table and fine catering was served before the conference, INSERT was one of the happy prisoners enjoying this fantastic Thursday night.