We All Deserve better Rice @ Foodymart


Rice is a primary food in Asia. In the market, the type of rice is various, but the quality is uneven. In the supermarket, its tasty is pretty far when we eat high and low quality rice. Insert Magazine would recommend our readers for high quality Thai rice in supermarket.


Choice of Thai Rice

Most popular good rice is naturally from Thailand, its taste and unique flavor are world-renowned. Thai jasmine rice boiled rice are particularly tasty, delicious chewy. Foodymart supermarket selection of Thai rice is strictly for Canada’s most assured customers to provide the most highest quality rice.


To recognize the “greenmark”

Thai Ministry of Trade stipulates that only contain not less than 92% of Hom Mali 105 and RD15 these two varieties of rice, can only be labeled as Thai jasmine rice. This is the Thai Foreign Ministry compliant Hom Mali (Thai jasmine rice) of origin issued by the greenmark. Authorized by the government to allow export of rice in bags labeled Thai jasmine rice flag. The greenmark is authentic delicious Thai jasmine rice!

泰國貿易部規定,只有含量不低於92%的Hom Mali 105 及 RD15 這兩個品種的大米,才可以冠以泰國茉莉香米的稱號。這是泰國外貿部對符合標準的 Hom Mali (泰國茉莉香米)頒發的原產地綠色標誌。由政府授權允許出口米商在包裝袋上標示泰國茉莉香米標誌。有綠色標誌的才是正宗好吃的泰國茉莉香米哦!

Foodymart Rice series


Foodymart owns three types of rice, harvest is an ordinary Thai jasmine rice, silver bowl is a senior Thai rice and golden rice was provided by the customer is the premium of Thai rice. If you are highly request on rice, try the golden rice, you would know what is quality of life!


更多資料請參考 Toronto Chinese Magazine – Insert Magazine:
