Brightening with SNOW technology for this summer!


Spring just come, we start whitening our skin for embracing  summer! This time, let’s talk about Diorsnow. This collection has been developed a few years, and enhances the formula to reduce melanin pigmentation with a traversal action that works both upwards and outwards, unfurling a white fan of brightness for a new ideal of transparency, revealed.

未到夏季就講美白,感覺好似有點過早,但心水清的貪靚女士都習慣了各大品牌提早推出美白新品,好讓肌膚一早做好美白準備來迎接夏日,今次登場的就有Diorsnow系列!Diorsnow 這個美白產品Collection 已經研發好幾年了,在過去一年與英國的布拉德福德大學共同研究,發現黑色素是由角質細胞縱向及橫向傳遞至其他角質細胞,所以美白產品要阻止黑色素擴散,可以說,今年的美白系列又一突破。

DIORSNOW系列全新的美白配方蘊含花妍透亮複合物(Floral Transparency™ Complex),能向上和向外減少黑色素細胞的作用,全方位阻隔黑色素,讓肌膚回復無瑕純淨,呈現清新如初雪的純淨亮澤。


Available at the Bay Dior counter