Forever 21 brings you the “Best Summer Ever”

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Forever 21 launches its latest Summer 2014 Global Campaign, Best Summer Ever, on April 25th. A two-part fashion film opens with three friends kicking back poolside at a retro motel and then onto an epic road trip across the California desert. Their story is charted on an endless road of adventures and magic moments bottled that make up the “Best Summer Ever”. The Summer 2014 collection carries an array of colorful prints and patterns comprised of ideal pieces for summer adventures . This season, pack your bags and hit the road with Forever 21!

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備受年輕人喜愛的時尚品牌Forever 21在四月的最後一個星期五發佈了2014夏季最新系列,隨之同步推出的還有其全球性大型營銷活動 – “最美夏日”。宣傳影片中,從復古汽車旅館中的泳池派對到加利福尼亞大沙漠的公路旅行,三個好朋友在無盡的探險之旅上,用無數充滿驚喜的瞬間詮釋了“最美夏日”。這個系列著重於用印花和圖案元素為靈感碎片,拼湊起夏日探險這個主題。就讓我們和Forever 21一起打包行囊,迎接陽光,共同度過這最美的夏日吧!