Benefit’s Don Jail Party

Photo 2014-04-10, 6 11 38 PM_meitu_2

Last Thursday, Benefit held its preview event at Don Jail which located in downtown Toronto, which has been rebuilt as a hospital but still preserve part of its appearance as prison. The creative Benefit then, invited Medias from Toronto to be their convicts, had a Jail Party there an INSERT was very proud to be one of them. Staffs were all wearing apparels as guards, handcuffs were placed on the well-decorated pink table and fine catering was served before the conference, INSERT was one of the happy prisoners enjoying this fantastic Thursday night.

如今為了提高媒體曝光率,單單是產品本身已然不夠,於是各大品牌使出渾身解數,把心思用在發佈會上。上週四,近幾年炙手可熱的知名國際化妝品品牌Benefit在多倫多舉辦了新品發佈會,INSERT也受到了邀請。最值得一提的是此次活動的舉辦地點被選在位於多倫多市中心的Don Jail!其實呢,Don Jail現在已經被改建為一所醫院,但仍然有一部分作為監獄的模樣被保留下來。於是Benefit就突然奇想,在這裡舉辦了一場監獄派對!工作人員都穿著獄警的服裝,桌子上擺放著玩具手銬,不知不覺真的會以為自己是個被監禁牢中的犯人呢!當然除了這些奇思妙想,Benefit也不忘為“犯人們”提供非常可愛又可口的食物,讓來訪的媒體和記者們與Benefit一起度過了一個難忘的夜晚。

Photo 2014-04-10, 7 26 52 PM_meitu_1 未命名_meitu_0