昨天「 維秘開場 」居然是舞龍舞獅,除了大長腿,還有些“辣眼睛”?

一年一度的維多利亞的秘密大秀剛剛落下帷幕,這個“全球最美好肉體的巨大Party”火爆程度絕對不亞於美國大選,全世界男女女、老老少少都在一遍遍的刷屏! 昨天美瞎眼的looks中,小編發現了開場模特金髮美女居然背著個“舞龍舞獅”上來,真的有些震到我了,今天小編就來八一下「 維秘開場 」這個姑娘!


WOWW Did I just OPEN the Victoria’s Secret fashion show??????? I’m still thinking I’m going to wake up to realize I just had the best dream of my life… but that was… real. Thank you from the bottom of my heart @ed_razek . Feel so humbled and emotional. What an honor to lead the most incredible show on the planet, in this breathtaking outfit, with countless and countless hardworking people included. I’m so beyond proud of all of us involved in this show!!!! You all made my dreams come true last night❤️ thank you for the love and support, to my fans and to everyone that made this possible. Hard work pays off, and girls, we did it!!!???❤️❤️❤️❤️ dont forget to watch it on @cbstv dec 5th 10/9c !!!!

A photo posted by elsa hosk (@hoskelsa) on

開場的大秀就以中國風(The Road Ahead)為主,除了中國超模劉雯和奚夢瑤之外,金髮碧眼美女Elsa Hosk就是最拉風的一位了,長相甜美的她駕馭這套衣服讓人有一種對舞龍舞獅的新定義,腿長兩米扛著個10公斤重的龍,真的是相當敬業,性感包圍著動感,不要再說辣眼睛啦~她的另外一套和去年的雪人能美瞎妳!



Elsa Hosk作為維秘的親生女,是維秘的簽約模特。 來自瑞典的她原來是打職業籃球的,後來到紐約後開始全職當模特。對於模特來說除了保持身材,護理皮膚也是不可缺少的一部分! 作為碧歐泉的代言人,碧歐泉對她做了一次專訪喔~ 來聽聽她是護理皮膚的吧!


☀️ #secretweapon ☀️

A photo posted by elsa hosk (@hoskelsa) on

在大秀之前Elsa Hosk會吃一些高纖維、高蛋白的食物來維持皮膚的緊實度。保濕是讓皮膚看起來年輕有光澤的最關鍵之處。



“我會用碧歐泉的Ultra-hydrating formulas來保濕,然後用Life Plankton Essence Serum和Aquasource Everplump moisturizer 來增加皮膚的緊實度和進一步保濕! ”



“卸妝卸的乾淨,和儘早卸妝是讓皮膚變好的最關鍵,我會用Biotherm Biosource Total Renew oil 來做卸妝之後的功課,這一瓶會讓你第二天更好上妝! ”



Text: Constance Wen

Info: Elsa Hosk Instagram, Biotherm, Victoria Secret, Google Image