INS Snap : Manuela Bartolomeo 《意大利型女潮穿和服》

INS Snap 今天為大家帶來 Manuela Bartolomeo,Manuela 是一位在 Ryerson University 畢業的 Fashion Design 學生,祖藉意大利的她平日對時裝潮流發展十分流意,對於亞洲的時尚風格更是什為著迷。
在今次INS Snap 內,她為讀者示範了一套她珍藏的日本和服!平日我們對和服的印象,都是日本人帶給我們比較莊重,華麗的感覺。沒想到 Manuela 透過巧妙搭配,把和服穿出潮味十足的時尚感!
(由於 Manuela 看不懂中文,我們也為她準備了英文版本)
In today’s INS SNAP , we are here to introduce you, Manuela Bartolomeo. Manuela is a Ryerson graduated student in Fashion & Design program. Her background is from Italian, as a stylist, she pays attention to the modern fashion a lot, especially with the Asian fashion style. In this snap, Manuela showcases her kimono from vintage store. Kimono shows a sense of solemn and gorgeous in general by the traditional Japanese people wearing it, however, Manuela rocks it with her own style, and the Kimono turned it out to be her significant item in her daily mix and match.
Manuela’s outfit
和服 (Kimono): Vintage Store 
Glasses: Krewe Conti 
Sweater: Oak + fort 
Coulot: Club Monaco 
Shoes: Nike 
在天氣較冷的時候,Manuela 穿上牛仔布長外套,配上內裡的 Hoodie ,令整個搭配層次感十足,也不會著冷。
When the weather is cold, Manuela will wear it with a Long jacker with the hoodie, it adds different layers to the entire mix.
Manuela 在適當位置露出腳眼,令身長腳短的情況不會出現。
She shows her ankle to make the proportion of her body to be more balance.
And here we go: the main course, Kimono! The embroidery in her Kimono is very exquisite, with the color in deep blue, it’s easy to mix and match with different items.(Even Nike Shoes)
來一個和服的正面照!Manuela 自言作為一個 fashion designer ,她較享受拍別人穿上她作品的感覺,但她這次破例為 INSERT 讀者當起model,卻有著十足的潮味,一點也不對鏡頭尷尬,令人驚喜。
As a fashion designer, Manuela enjoys to be the photographer of her design/model more than to be a model in the photoshoot. But she makes an exception for our INSERT readers, it turns out that actually she is natural in front of the camera with her own style!
Model: Manuela Bartolomeo
Text & photo : Lambert Lam