INS Snap : Jamie Frichitthavong 《潮穿Bomber Jacket》

INS Snap 今天為大家帶來 Jamie Frichitthavong  ,Jamie 是一位在 Ryerson University 就讀 Business Management 的學生,他的家庭是來自老撾,而他則在Listowel土生土長,在6年前來到多倫多。身材高瘦,本身在衣服店上班的他,平日特別流意不同的潮流走向,但談到春夏的穿搭,他認為最合適自己的是,短身Bomber Jacket配修腳褲。這樣的配搭,能突顯他高瘦身型特點之餘又型格十足!一起來看看他今天為讀者帶來的穿搭吧!

In today’s INS SNAP , we are here to introduce you, Jamie Frichitthavong. He is raised in a town in Ontario named Listowel and he moves to Toronto at 17 years old, his background is Laos. Jamie is now a retailer who expected to be graduated from Ryerson University in next month. Jamie is tall and skinny, his’s outfit is a great example of the street style with a mix and match with Bomber Jacket and skinny pants.  Lets take a look of this fashionable young man!

Jaime’s outfit
Sweater : Reiss
Jeans : American Eagle
Shoes : Fred Perry
Jacket : Jack and Jones
Necklace: Vitaly


His hairstyle gives a great touch into the whole mix.

外套內配上簡單灰色 sweater,易搭又保暖。

A simple sweater is always an easy option to mix and match & keep you warm.


Jamie is a happy guy who loves to smile.


一起來看看除了 Jamie 之外,還有其他潮穿 Bomber Jacket 的例子吧!

Let’s see more examples beside Jamie to rock with their Bomber Jacket.

Model: Jamie Frichitthavong

Photo & Text: Lambert Lam