盡享加州陽光, Brixton 2014 夏季型錄一覽
夏天到了,出門感受大自然絕對是必不可少了,帶上心愛的狗狗,拎上半打啤酒,果斷來一次說走就走的戶外旅行吧。此次,來自美國加州的潮流品牌Brixton 便以戶外旅行為題,推出了其最新的2014 夏季型錄…….
夏天到了,出門感受大自然絕對是必不可少了,帶上心愛的狗狗,拎上半打啤酒,果斷來一次說走就走的戶外旅行吧。此次,來自美國加州的潮流品牌Brixton 便以戶外旅行為題,推出了其最新的2014 夏季型錄…….
細說眾多美式街頭品牌,有很多logo 都給人留下了深刻的印象,像是Supreme 的Box Logo , The Hundreds 的炸彈MR.Boom , 更或是A BATHING APE 的APE HEAD 。值得一提的是此次來自紐約的街頭品牌Staple 不光是再次演繹經典的鴿子Logo,更是以“Paradise Lost” 為主題,融入了眾多時下流行的潮流元素。喜歡的朋友注意了,型錄中出現的眾多單品近期便會上市,敬請留意。
作為知名度頗大的日式街頭品牌, A Bathing Ape 自從1993 年創立以來便以其經典的迷彩元素而受到眾多潮流人士的喜愛,其中不乏一些知名的藝人。隨著氣溫的升高,A Bathing Ape 再次推出了其一季一次的e-MOOK 型錄。沒有過多的猿人迷彩,更沒有任何鯊魚元素的使用,更多的則是近期才開始大面積使用的夜光材質及美利堅元素。值得一提的是此次型錄中眾多單品近期便會上市,感興趣的朋友敬請留意。
Forever 21 launches its latest Summer 2014 Global Campaign, Best Summer Ever, on April 25th. A two-part fashion film opens with three friends kicking back poolside at a retro motel and then onto an epic road trip across the California desert. Their story is charted on an endless road of adventures and magic moments bottled that make up the “Best Summer Ever”.
漫長的等待結束了,Kate Moss × Topshop 2014春夏聯名系列終於來了!從流蘇夾克到金屬裙裝,從真絲薄衫到蕾絲長裙,此次聯名系列就像是Kate自己另一種方式的額體現:一點點冷艷,一點點波西米亞,一點點搖滾,更多的是無處不在的驚艷。这次的新合作系列将在四月底在Topshop官網及全球40個國家全面发售。
在剛剛過去的Fashion Week上,Rudsak帶來了一場精彩絕倫的秋冬時裝秀,來慶祝其品牌成立20週年,今期跟Insert一起來了解下這個加拿大土生土長的時尚國際品牌吧!
Last Thursday, Benefit held its preview event at Don Jail which located in downtown Toronto, which has been rebuilt as a hospital but still preserve part of its appearance as prison. The creative Benefit then, invited Medias from Toronto to be their convicts, had a Jail Party there an INSERT was very proud to be one of them. Staffs were all wearing apparels as guards, handcuffs were placed on the well-decorated pink table and fine catering was served before the conference, INSERT was one of the happy prisoners enjoying this fantastic Thursday night.
James Franco directs and stars in a short film that turns the spotlight on Gucci‘s new Techno Color Sunglasses Collection. The video, shot at L.A.’s Chateau Marmont, also features model Natalia Bonifacci and was unveiled by Gucci Monday.
Toronto Fashion Week has just ended, every designer has put all their afford on the show. Now, let recap the highlights and the trend of Fall/Winter 2014.
What kind of attitude of you in your working, it will reward you in the same way. Be an elegant woman pursuit of quality of life attitude! In this Spring season, we teach you office wearing style to be more energetic and confidence in your working places.