Glorious Wedding Accessories Matching Lesson

Marriage is a promise, most of us would only think about diamond rings of Tiffany and Catier. Besides of rings and these two brands, Insert will introduce other wedding accessories, which you may miss out and matches of accessories.

115 The Perfect Bridal Gown review

從品牌到設計師,總是怀揣著獨特的風格,靈感來源各不同。在這個無時無刻追隨時尚的年代,婚紗又怎能不趕潮流呢? 2014年也不例外,那些知名設計師們也將多樣的婚紗設計呈現在眾人面前。如果你是位時尚新娘,何不走到時尚最前沿,讓自己在婚禮上釋放更多魅力,不妨來看看Insert推薦,尋找下靈感吧。

115 Oro Gold Cosmetics Preivew

Every bride wants to show their best side on the wedding day. It is necessary having a facial skin care to make your skin radiant before the wedding. An Asian beauty brands STAR, Oro Gold Cosmetics, is the Insert Editor’s Choice in this issue.