Converse 2014 Spring & Summer Collection preview


The leader of street culture Converse just released a new Spring/Summer collection 2014. They used skateboard dynamic design, bold color and other materials on this collections! We are so excited to try them on!

In the preview show, Converse presented with a variety of decorative element to diaplay, using a famous street photographer Air Marcopoulos B&W photo shoot and street skate as background to present the new SS collection opening!

引領街頭文化的Converse CONS系列,史無前例重推Sneaker最強陣容。率先讓我們欣賞以滑板動態設計、大膽的顏色選擇以及各種新型材料運用,開創出複古運動之外CONS的另一球鞋風格。

當天這一展示區的各種裝飾元素,以及由經驗豐富的街頭攝影師Ari Marcopoulos為Converse CONS全球大使們拍攝的黑白風格照片,CONS精神是把街頭和滑板文化體現了出來。


Converse selected soft and light materials and through different treatment to create a comfort simple sneaker for daily wear!
This summer, Chun Taylor All Star classic and watched color style must hit again! Also, Converse launched children size for every trendy parents as well as introduced plastic shoes for this summer!


春夏季又怎可以少了Chuck Taylor All Star 復刻版和洗水彩色,適合所有街頭潮童。Converse 新一季推出了小童鞋款,一定吸引不少潮爸潮媽為子女打造充滿個性的調型!此外,Converse 更推出塑膠鞋,解決了很多一直害怕下雨穿Converse 出街的粉絲吧!