Not wanting anyone to feel left out, Clinique have developed a new range of shaving and skin care products just for men, designed to ease shaving problems like shaving rash and ingrown hairs.Meet Clinique 3-Step Skin Care, created just for men and custom-fit to all skin types: dry, normal, oily and even sensitive skin. This great range of men’s skin care products also provides solutions for skin prone to blemishes and redness.
身邊唔少男性朋友都越來越注重護膚,其實都啱嘅,男仔都要注意儀容整潔架嘛!講起男士護膚,就一定好自然諗起CLINIQUE,雖然品牌一向都有推出男士護膚系列,不過最近就將成個系列升級改革,變成全新CLINIQUE FOR MEN男士護膚系列!而香港最新的代言人是最近人氣急升﹑新鮮出爐的 TVB 最佳節目主持人洪永城 Tony!
CLINIQUE 是首個深入分析男士不同護膚需要並提供解決方案的尊貴美容品牌並於美國及歐洲等地早已被認定 No.1 男士護膚權威,信譽昭著。全新 CLINIQUE FOR MEN 男士護膚系列將專業皮膚醫學知識融合現代男士護膚的需要及日常生活中,為男士帶來整套型男專屬的護膚程序,由潔面、磨砂、保濕、剃鬚護理至特別護理一應俱全;使用簡便,完全符合男士的生活及護膚要求,讓男士每天擁有健康光澤的皮膚。
If that’s not enough, all of these products are allergy tested and 100% fragrance free.