Keeps hair silky smooth

Is frizzy, unruly hair leaving you fed up? Have you ever thought having a smooth , silky long shinny hair? Here’s might a good start for you from choosing shampoo to using hair treatment! Don’t forget the hair will get hurts for using hair dryer, so place the pre-heated clamshell over your little bit of hair product before using hair dryer!

Natural Beauty Secret

Now all the city girls are talking about live healthy, not only eating with organic, but also doing exercise. But don’t forget to use natural skin care products are good for our skin. Some products are extracted from plants, fruits and having minerals elements. Follow us and know more about them!

Bridal Makeup & Hair Style

Be the most beautiful bride in wedding, be the highlights of your wedding party. Don’t forget the wedding party makeup and hair style are the elements of the wedding.

Wedding Nails

Since Nail art becomes popular, there are a lot of prospective brides doing some decorations on their nails, so it becomes a major highlight of the wedding. Nail rhinestones, lace present elegant bride. The Cover Girl experienced the Creative Nail Nails Paradise with us!

The Perfect Bridal Gown

From brand to designers, always carries a unique style from different sources of inspiration. How can we not having a fashionable wedding? In 2014 there are a variety of wedding design presented. If you want to be a trendy bride, why not come to the forefront to be the most attractive at the wedding, take a look Insert recommend looking for the next inspiration!

Celebrate a great CNY with Guerlain this Saturday!

We all start out inspired and hopeful at the beginning of the Chinese new year. Having a great looking will help motivate you to head out the door in the first place and have an awesome 2014! Therefore, Guerlain invites us to experience an entire Orchidée Impériale journey as well as its new one- the Gold Orchid to regenerate cell life on Saturday (18/1/2014). Let us to look gorgeous and amazing in new year!

Oro Gold Cosmetics

Every bride would like to be the most beautiful one in her wedding. Therefore, having a set of skin treatment to have a shinny, beauty and wonderful moment in your life. This issue, Insert recommend Oro Gold Comestics to you to be a shiny one in 2014!

115 Wedding Nails Preview

隨著美甲越來越流行,有很多準新娘都在拍婚紗照或者是婚禮前幾日便把指甲做的美美的,所以現在漂亮的指甲也成為了婚禮的一大亮點。水鑽蕾絲類的美甲,顯新娘聖潔高雅。這次就和我們的Cover Girl一起來體驗下由Nails Paradise帶來的創意美甲吧。