Oro Gold Cosmetics

Every bride would like to be the most beautiful one in her wedding. Therefore, having a set of skin treatment to have a shinny, beauty and wonderful moment in your life. This issue, Insert recommend Oro Gold Comestics to you to be a shiny one in 2014!

115 Wedding Nails Preview

隨著美甲越來越流行,有很多準新娘都在拍婚紗照或者是婚禮前幾日便把指甲做的美美的,所以現在漂亮的指甲也成為了婚禮的一大亮點。水鑽蕾絲類的美甲,顯新娘聖潔高雅。這次就和我們的Cover Girl一起來體驗下由Nails Paradise帶來的創意美甲吧。